uploads/robber baron.jpg

robber baron 1.(封建時代)對路過自己領地的旅客進行搶劫的封建主。2...

robber fly

This is not because of a great love for the city , but rather because the surrounding lands are under the shadow of bastions owned by ' robber barons ' that serve their own interests 這并不是因為他們熱愛這個城市,而是附近的地方籠罩在只為自己謀利的“強盜公爵”的陰影之下。

I don ' t know why you went to work for that phiiandering robber baron 我一直不能理解你為什么當時會糊涂到給那個花心大枕頭工作的

Ex - gangster . or as i prefer to think of him , a robber baron 強盜出身.我更愿意認為他是強盜大財主

Privatisation meant a field day for robber barons 私有化意味著是強盜資本家的戶外集訓。